Chassis Monitor
  • Features
  • Specs
  • Support
  • Features

    The Cyclone PCIe Chassis Monitor system is comprised of two parts: an intelligent monitor board with an Ethernet Interface and a set of I2C-based monitor devices which are installed as a part of the PCIe expansion board hardware design. Using the I2C devices, the monitor board can perform the following functions:

    • - Monitor the temperature from five different locations on the expansion board
    • - Monitor the fan speed of the four system fans
    • - Monitor the state of the +12V, +5V, +3.3V, +2.5V, and +1V power rails
    • - Monitor the state of the PCIe Cable Present signal
    • - Detect the PCB revision of the expansion board
    • - Monitor the state of the PWR_OK signal from the ATX power supply interface

    Data from the monitored system is available in 2 different, mutually exclusive, formats. When configured in HTTP mode, the monitor board runs as a web server, making the data available through a CGI enabled web page. When configured in SNMP mode, the monitor board's Management Information Base (MIB) can be queried from an SMMP management station and traps about events can be sent to the SNMP management station(s).

    Prior to use the software needs to be configured by the user. Items which require configuration are: Operating Mode (HTTP or SNMP), the static IPv4 address of the monitor board, and, for SNMP mode, one or more IPv4 addresses to which SNMP traps are to be sent.

  • Ethernet Interface - RJ-45

    I2C System Monitoring

    • Temperature Monitor - Five Locations
    • Fan Speed Monitor - Four Fans
    • PCIe Cable Present Signal Monitor



    Reporting Modes

    • HTTP - Web Page
    • SNMP

    Power Monitors

    • Voltage State Monitor
    • ATX Power Supply Monitor
  • Call: 203.786.5536

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